Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fall planning

Well I have to confess that lately my days seem to be a little unraveled around the edges.  As a result the spirit of my home is less than the homey, cheerful atmosphere I usually aim for.  As I was reading through one of the blogs that I really enjoy I came across a challange.  It is only one month long and I think it is a great idea..... so I have jumped on board and I am aiming to stick to it.
I would like to encourage my fellow Sisters to give it a try and see how you do :)

Hopefully I got the link right lol I am new at this :)  God Bless each of you!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Well I am one very excited lady!!  Tomorrow at 10am I get to jump in our truck with my wonderful man and head off for 3 whole days with no kids :)  Yes it is a work holiday, but we have so many fun couple moments planned that I can't wait.  I have been forcibly reminded in the past few months how important it is to keep working at your marriage.  I cannot allow my self to be complacent in this area! The devil is busy , he wants nothing more than to steal glory from God and will do it any way he can.  So Girls steal away a little time with your man when you can, remind him how wonderful YOU think he is.  It will do you both good :)  God Bless you on your journey!
Wow!  just logged in and I cannot believe how long it has been!!  Time has flown past. So many things have happened in the past 3 years.  We built a house (worthy of it's own blog!)  Went on a life changing mission visit to Panama and Nicaragua and moved Grandma Shirley up north to be near us.  Those are just the highlights :)  Hopefully I will do a better job going forward!  God Bless!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Year

Well here we are 2009!! hard to believe it. The year promises to be just as busy as the last one was and even more so with plans to build our house :) There will be so many decisions and choices to be made so if we cross your mind, please pray that we will make wise ones.
There are so many things we have to be thankful for looking back on 2008, we had some very nice visits with friends from the south, made new friends,renewed old friendships (thanks in part to facebook :P) and have seen our children continue to grow and be healthy. On a personal note the Lord really worked with me in helping me find my place and role, which is a big answer to prayer and I continue to learn and grow where I am planted. I am currently reading 2 books that i am finding a great help. One is called "Don't make me count to 3" by Ginger Plowman, and the other one is called "Shephering a childs heart" by Tedd Tripp. If any of you are struggling as mothers I highly recommend them.
We saw a huge growth in our Sunday school this year when we were almost disparing what we were going to do. the Lord brought us many new children and we all have full classes of young hearts who need to learn about the Lord Jesus and their need of Him. What an awesome challange it is. I look forward to whatever the Lord sees fit to give us this year Good or Ill, it is always in our best.
I trust that everyone will know Gods greatness and see Him at work in their daily lives. god Bless and Happy New Year!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Making time

Lately I have been struggling with making time for my quiet time with the Lord. I have all the excuses in the book tied up. Sadly I can even make some of them seem legitimate. It has been weighing on me and I know I need to change the habits I have allowed myself to fall into. I recieve a devotional online every morning and this was todays. It hit the nail on the head for me and I thought I would share it. May it be a blessing to you as it has been to me.

Making Time by Rachel Olsen

"But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father."John 15:7-8 (NIV)

Devotion:How can I find time to have a "quiet time" with God? Even if I found the time, how do I know what to do during this time?
Ever ask yourself these questions? I have. There was a time when these questions left me speechless because I didn't know how to answer them. I knew people who would spend an hour alone with God each day, and I wondered what their secret was. What was it that enabled them to do that? What kept them from falling asleep sitting there alone with the Bible? How did they know what to say, read or think about during all those minutes? How did they keep from getting distracted? How did they even manage to find an hour of free time each day? I kept waiting for a season of my life to come during which a block of time would regularly present itself and my spirit would drive me to God. I wasted a lot of time waiting for that to happen and I've learned it never will without some effort.
"Rachel, how do you find time to have a quiet time?" I was asked not too long ago. "I don't find the time," I answered. "I have to make the time. I can't expect to find time -- that'll never happen. There's always going to be something needing my attention, calling my name. I have to make the time, and that means sometimes I have to let other things slide. I have to be OK with letting less important things slide," I confessed.
I've come to realize it's a matter of choice, a matter of discipline... and a matter of active investment. E.M. Bounds wrote, "The lazy man does not, will not, cannot pray, for prayer demands energy." What a simple but profound statement. When I don't pray or spend time reading the Bible, it's because I simply don't want to expend the energy on it. Bounds is saying that people who do not pray much probably claim to be too busy or too bored with it, but in reality are too lazy to press into God. Wow. Ouch!
I believe we have to be earnest in pressing into God and this will bring glory to God as today verse says. In the words of a little shoe company called Nike; we have to "just do it." Let's carve some time in our days to be quiet before the Lord, to read His words and pray. We can trade a small portion of our time and energy for a large portion of His grace and power.
Purpose to stick to it for several weeks until it sinks into your schedule, and your soul begins to respond. If you want some help being accountable on this, or some ideas for how to start, visit my blog listed below and we can do it together for the next six weeks. I know we'll find it is more than worth the effort.

If you are interested in following Rachels plan her blog is God Bless and have a great day!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Raising them for God

Well I am not sure where the past year has gone so quickly! I must be getting older since the time seems to fly these days! Ashley turned 1 today, she is already becoming more her own little person and less my baby. It got me thinking about a conversation I had with a couple of good girlfriends last week. We are given such a sacred trust raising our children. I look at the world around me and I am often shocked about the things I see and hear happening. Not just globally but even here at home in my little neck of the woods. I look at my children so young and innocent of the ways of the world. Part of me wants desperately to always keep them that way but i know that that is not realistic. So... it is my job to arm and fit them for what they will encounter as they get older. Some how I think that the boys will require less of my input and more of Wayne's, although I know a mothers guidance is very important,there are certain things that I cannot teach them . How thankful I am to have a godly husband. I am blessed. I do feel the burden of raising Ashley to be a godly young woman. In a world where modesty and purity are thought to be old fashioned and out of date, I feel that they are increasingly important. I want my daughter to grow up to be a virtuous young woman who honours God in her life. How do we go about it though? Daily we are bombarded with images of what is "beautiful" or cool etc. I mean Ieven struggle with some of these things myself. The only answer that I have so far is to stay in the Word and pray about each step as we reach it. It would be handy if there was a manual though :)
Well i guess that is it for today! Happy first Birthday baby girl xoxo